Making a purchase online is something very much demanding of trust and credibility. Back when Amazon launched, it took them years to make shopping online a generally accepted concept – unplagued by issues like mistrust, uncertainty, and buyers’ remorse. Let us take web hosting for an example – when people want to sign up for a web host, the first thing that most of them do is to search for web hosting reviews and read reviews that look comparatively credible – the good side and bad side both are out in the open. Why? Because it is a big decision and it is going to affect their website – its functionality including uptime, speed, resources, tech, and SEO – for a long time. Most web hosts offer 50% or so off at the three yearly plans. Three years is a long time to be in for.
So, they would rather make some research and get an idea of who is offering what and which one is going to be the best shot at it. In the same way, making any other purchase online is a matter of trust and the only way to find out how good a product or a service actually is to read the public opinion about it. Reading reviews from previous buyers is just the thing that can allow you to know what the product is worth when you are shopping online. Product descriptions are meant to incentivize you to make a purchase – reading a sales copy clearly would not help you in the process of making an educated decision. On the other hand, if you read buyer reviews, you will have enough knowledge to make a completely informed and educated decision about any product or service while you are shopping online.
Even in the domain of buyer reviews, there are some websites and some platforms that tend to highlight the positive reviews as they are getting referrals from the companies whose products are getting reviewed by buyers. That makes things complicated for prospective buyers. Finding a website that is trustworthy – shows you both sides of the coin – is very important when you are looking for honest, transparent reviews. Coming to the topic of ratings and reviews, Google Play store has a very innovative and intuitive way of arranging reviews. It shows a top positive review and top negative review right at the top – a five star as well as a one-star – no matter how great the application is. So, that is one way to approach the matter of buyers’ reviews for online shopping.